Category: dog

Saying Goodbye to the Love of Your Life

It’s been six months since we said goodbye.

I didn’t leave the house for the first five or six days save a session with my therapist. She was great – very empathetic and said just enough, but not too much. Just sat there when I needed to just sit there.

Back to the subject….you. My baby girl. I likely won’t remember what happened years from now so I’m writing it down.

About 2:30 a.m. one Saturday morning you fell off the bed trying to get down. I heard you flopping around on the floor and woke up. I went to pick you up and help you stand up and you couldn’t stand on your own. Your legs didn’t seem to work anymore. I tried a few more times and nothing. So I scooped you up and woke up Daniel. We both tried a few more times, but it wasn’t working. You weren’t crying or anything and didn’t seem in pain…you just couldn’t walk. You also couldn’t go outside/stand up to pee, so proceeded to go in the blanket I had you in and all over me. I got your doggie diaper out, put it on you, and decided we’d take you to the vet first thing in the morning. 

We were there at 8 a.m. when they opened. The vet looked at you and felt a bunch of stuff around your back and didn’t think anything was broken. You have arthritis really bad and he thought the arthritis in your back took a hit and maybe pinched your back in a few places. He thought you might get better with some anti-inflammatory and pain meds and wanted to try that for a few days and let him know. He wasn’t sure if your legs/walking would ever come back. That was my first torrential downpour.

We took you home that Saturday and started your medications. We cuddled you all day and night. We had to go to the store to get diapers and other things for you, so we put you in your kennel with lots of blankets so you wouldn’t flop around the hardwoods. When we returned we found you pinned underneath the front bars of your cage with blood on your face, where you had tried to get out. You had a cut on one side of your face and it looked like a possible puncture on the other. That was my second torrential downpour. We cleaned and disinfected your face and looked up what to do online. It didn’t look bad enough to need stitches, so we decided to take you back to the vet on Monday if it didn’t improve.

Your legs and back seemed to be doing a little better with the meds the vet had given us. You were kicking some when lying down and seemed to be trying to walk the more we stood you up. Monday I noticed one of the wounds began to smell a bit. By Monday night it was pretty strong smelling and you were crying out in pain so I decided to take you to the vet first thing Tuesday morning.

When I arrived Tuesday morning the same technician who had helped us on Saturday came and took you from me and asked what was going on. I explained everything and authorized whatever needed to be done to be done. She took you back and said the doctor would examine you and call me. He called a bit later and said he wasn’t sure if the wound was a puncture from the bar or an abscessed tooth or what, but he didn’t want to put you to sleep to find out the condition you were in. He said you seemed worse off neurologically than when you were there before and your legs weren’t getting any better. He felt putting you to sleep was risky in your current state (and you’re also 15 so I always get nervous about that).

He asked if we had thought about future plans for you. Daniel and I had talked about if briefly…if you didn’t get your legs back we didn’t want you to have to live life like that…lying around everywhere….floppy headed….us having to hold your head up for you to eat and drink. That’s no kind of life. I told him that’s what we had discussed and asked him if that’s what he was referring to. He confirmed. I told him we’d be there shortly. He said we didn’t have to do it today, that we could keep you for a day or two, that he had you on good pain meds. But I didn’t want to just love and cry on a doped up zombie of my dog for two more days when I knew what was coming anyway. You had been through enough. Daniel and I went up there and the vet explained what was going to happen. They brought you out to us. We took you outside because it was sunny and you always loved the sun. We hugged you and whispered sweet things to you while he gave you the injection. Then he listened to your heart and told us you were gone.

I cried for days. I didn’t leave the house for a week. The hardest things are the routine things….taking you out to potty before we go somewhere….hearing you tap down the hall to meet me when I walk in the door……not seeing you curled up on the bed when I come home and walk in the bedroom. I see you everywhere – STILL. I am still unpacking things of yours and finding little mementos of you everywhere.

I know it’s going to be ok and I’m going to be ok. It just takes time. And we had each other for such a long time…longer than any other relationship. You outlasted them all, baby girl. I hope I gave you a good life. You were my everything, the love of my life. It’s been six months and it’s a little easier. I still think about you every day and no, I’m nowhere near ready for another dog so please stop asking (the peanut gallery).

I’ll see you again one day and I’ll make sure I bring Baxter. In the mean time have fun with TJ, Cody, Mikey, Teddy, Pepper, Perky and Scooter. I love you.

Rainy Days and Crazy Nights

Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in all the things I have to do or have going on. I know I’m not the only one, but the feeling gets old after a while. I’m overwhelmed, sleep deprived and emotional. I don’t think the holidays are helping. While they’re nice and festive, they just remind me of how broke I truly am these days.

I’m moving this weekend. I’m trying desperately to get the keys to the new place ahead of time and I was supposed to get them today so I can start moving boxes and bags of stuff over. I checked yesterday and now I am to “check in” with the office on Wednesday morning to see when I can get them. So, that is adding to my downward spiral. It’s nothing major..just another bump in the road that I didn’t think I would have to deal with. If this keeps up, I’ll be moving by myself on Friday. I am not feeling sorry for myself, but I really was hoping to get the keys early and enlist my man’s help before Friday to move stuff. He will be gone this weekend, so that kinda sucks too. I have a friend who is coming to help me on Saturday get some movers, but I’m not asking her to move anything herself. I just thought things would be better worked out and progressing nicely if I got the keys early. I may be able to get them tomorrow, so I need not worry just yet. It’s just that I thought I would have them today.

Since I am not getting them today, I took last night off from packing. I tried to get some sleep b/c I have been missing a lot lately due to the people and dog upstairs. No luck. Last night was spent lying awake in my bed listening to the ruckus of the dog and Bigfeet up there. Both of them. OMG, I’m so over this place. I am wondering if my tolerance is low b/c I know I’m moving soon. I’m just counting the days. But each day that I’m there it seems to get worse and it drives me even more crazy. I have a lot of anger built up. I know it’s useless and not healthy and I’m trying to let it go, but it’s going to take some seriously releasing.

My car is having issues. It’s out of alignment and last night, I noticed the door doing something strange. On top of trying to figure out HOW I’m going to pay for it to get fixed, I have to try and figure out WHEN I can take it in. I pretty much need it for work and for the move and have no idea when I can be without it. That is a pain my ass, also. I just want to say, “Screw it” and drive it the way it is, but people are advising against that b/c I have new tires. One more thing I have to try and get done before I leave.

I seem to be having a pity party these days between work, the holidays, the car, moving and trying to get ready for vacation. I am trying hard not to, but the holidays always get me down since my divorce. This is not how my life was supposed to be. This wasn’t what I had planned. I know that plans change and that it’s ok. I know that it works out for the better a lot of time, but it’s just hard seeing that right now. I was supposed to be married with kids by now. That’s how I feel anyway. Not because society dictates that or says that’s the way it should be…but because I wanted that. Well, at least still married. The kids part would come when the time was right.

I want to go home….for good. I feel like I’m in over my head with everything and I know it’s just a temporary feeling. I know that things don’t always stay the same and I won’t always feel like this. I know that in my head…but my heart is having a hard time believing that right now. Last week I felt on top of the world b/c I was getting out of that apartment and I was bypassing all the fees and felt like the universe was smiling on me. Then I had a crisis at work that totally got me all out of sorts and now this week is dark. I wish there was some consistency…some normalcy…some happiness for a good, long while. There are aspects of my life that are wonderful and have been for some time now. But when I’m having a rough time, it seems that I focus on only that.

I wish the move was over and I could sleep again. While I want to go back to Alabama and visit, I need that time off from work to get my life in order in the new apartment so I don’t come back to chaos (unpacked apartment). Yet, I want to go back to Alabama and just stay. Not worry about coming back. And going back to Alabama is not the answer to all my woes right now…it just seems like it. I want to retreat to the place that is most comforting to me, even though I’m doing good here. I still just want to go home.

A friend sent this to me today. I know it made me put things in perspective a bit more. Maybe it will help you too.

“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.”
– Deepak Chopra: Doctor and mind/body/spirit author

It’s nice to be reminded of our choices. Sometimes you may feel as if you’re simply on a roller coaster, simply along for the ride, with little control. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Right now, you’re choosing to read this. Then you can choose to work on a project, or get coffee, or talk to a friend. Or save a life, or improve your life, or simply give up. The choices are out there waiting for you to choose or refuse.