That title is not referring to my blog…rather, my mind has left. (Although you would think it’s referring to my blog since I haven’t been on in like a year.)

I’m still here. I’m still working. I’m still going out with the same guy. I’m still the same…for the most part. My mind and my heart have left the state though. I’ve been contemplating for a while now moving back home to Alabama…to be closer to my friends and my family there. I have been seriously thinking about it since probably March. I know I can’t do anything right now because my lease isn’t up until December. Plus, we’re moving to a new HQ facility at work in July and I’m in charge of the IT portion of it, plus getting a new phone system purchased, configured and installed. I would never leave before all that is done. But, I know I can seriously start looking after the move and that is pretty much all that’s keeping me going these days. My heart has already left. I feel like a robot lately, just going through the motions of work and life…while my real life is waiting to begin. I know that’s not true…this is it, it is now and I should live it and enjoy every moment. But inside I just feel like I’m passing time until I get to the next part. Soooo not realistic, but true. And I am living life now..I’m having a blast with friends and my man….doing more and more all the time because I know it may not last past this year. I’ve decided to make the summer the best I can, even though I’ll be working most of it with the move.

My body is here, by my mind is not. Elvis has left the building.