I have certain CDs that I always come back to. Every few years, I circle back around or any time I hear them out in public, they bring me back. There are many in the list, but Tori Amos’ “Little Earthquakes” just came on.

A lot has happened since I posted last. I haven’t looked over what I read, but I starting thinking about moving back home to Alabama a little over a year ago (Feb) and I am here. I moved at the end of November, started a new job at the beginning of December and have been running like mad ever since. I have a beautiful townhouse in a great part of town close to work, I have my dog, and I have a great job with friends and family not too far away. The work situation was hairy at first because it changed drastically right before I came on board, but I’ve managed and am now able to breathe. It’s not easy, but I don’t think any job ever is once we get older.

While I was ecstatic to come home to family and friends, I did have to leave some very special people back in VA. It’s been hard and there are times I’ve second guessed my decision, but I am hopeful things will work themselves out and what is meant to be will be.

I started Weight Watchers a week and a half ago and have lost 5 lbs so far. I am excited and happy that I am working toward getting healthy. Now if I could just get the gumption or desire to exercise more. It just ain’t happening…

That’s where I am.