If you thought Truthbook Tuesday was good, wait until you read this. Not sure what to call today’s #bloglikecrazy post other than CONFESSION. I’ve been crying for the last 2 hours because I feel like I failed a friend. I messed up tonight and, while it’s not the end of the world, it was big enough to totally undo any good tonight brought. I am not going to get into specifics for the sake of my friend (sorry to be vague), but I did not do right by her tonight even though my intentions were good and sincere.

I have a wonderful friend who I am extremely proud of. She’s overcome a lot of obstacles in her professional and personal life and I really look up to her and all she’s accomplished. Tonight, rather than listen to her and what SHE wanted on a matter, I took things into my own hands and thought I knew best. The result was less than stellar.

I feel horrible that I put this friend into an uncomfortable position, especially on what may have been a very special night for her. There are no words to express how sorry I am or how bad I feel for not listening to her. But lemme tell ya, lesson learned! When a friend tells you something, LISTEN!

I have already apologized and I know she has already forgiven me. But that doesn’t take away from the sorrow I feel for having put her in that situation in the first place. Please know that I never, ever want to do anything but lift my friends up and if I’m trying and you tell me not to, slap me if I don’t listen.

That’s my rant for today. And my apology. You are loved. ALL of you. And know that I only have good intentions!