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It’s been a minute since I wrote more than a few sentences, but it’s time again for the annual #bloglikecrazy challenge. Each November, Javacia Bowser, founder of See Jane Write, challenges anyone and everyone to write a blog post every day for 30 days. Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don’t, but I always give it the old college try. And try again I will this year.

Why do I want to try #bloglikecrazy again? Because my blog needs a refresh. My site needs a refresh. I need some new menu options, some new graphics, some new everything. Maybe this month will give you, my dear readers, some chances to help me decide on the changes to be made…a new picture here and there…some color changes. Maybe some polls in there for you to vote on. But the blog will definitely be filled with new breath because that’s all I’ve got now. So much has happened since we last ran into each other (doesn’t it always seem that way), and I’ve got a lot to say.

I hope you stick around for the month – and after – and see what I’ve got for you on YouGotRossed. I’ve got some new ventures and adventures headed your way. More soon, loves!