Tag: beautiful

I’m Fat. So What?


I posted this on Facebook, but I wanted to share it with a bigger audience to help more people understand me.

This. I say this all the time and people disagree with me (as if I’m putting myself down). I’m not. It’s a fact (right now) – I’m fat. I may always be fat, I may not, but it’s still a fact right now and I’m ok saying it. It’s just a descriptive term, like anything else. I am not putting myself down – I’m simply describing myself. I can be fat and beautiful. And I am.

Fat and Beautiful by Lillian Bustle
Photo of Lillian Bustle courtesy of TEDx and Fuller Figure Fuller Bust

You can watch the entire TED talk here.

Birmingham is Beautiful

Hi hi! Day 2 of #bloglikecrazy.

Our esteemed leader, Javacia Harris Bowser, provided us with writing prompts for this project if we were so inclined. Oh yes, I was totally inclined. Today’s prompt was DEFENSE. It IS football season here in the South, after all. Heh, I kid. She encouraged us to defend something in our post today that usually gets a bad rap. I’ll give ya something – BIRMINGHAM. I touched on it yesterday, but this city is absofreakinmazing. (+1 for that awesome made-up word).

I drive a lot of places. I don’t like to fly so me and my sweet little ride venture all over this beautiful country of ours. Birmingham is a great location geographically because we have mountains, beaches, flat lands, the coast, and major cities all within a few hours’ drive of here. Name it, you can get to it. Well, not really desert, but who really wants to hang out in the desert anyway? My point is that we are centrally located to and in some of the most beautiful mountains, trees, and beaches in the country. And I haven’t even touched on the city itself.

I am not a snob, but I am not a fan of traffic. I lived in Northern Virginia/DC for a few years and I got my fill for LIFE there. And I am, at heart, a city girl. Therefore I live and work and play mostly downtown and on this side of the mountain. I venture down US 280 when I absolutely have to and it’s mostly to hit the Apple store at the Summit. When the Target gets finished on Lakeshore, I will be down 280 even less. 🙂 I venture down or up 65 when traveling to Montgomery or Wisconsin to see my family. Don’t get me wrong, 280 and 65 are fine and provide some of the most scenic views of our county as far as the eye can see. But I prefer the bustle, culture, and atmosphere of downtown.

I’ve lived in a few cities, but I always end up back in Birmingham. There’s a reason: the beautiful historic buildings downtown, the charm and character in every brick facade, the history in the sidewalks, and the memories in the store windows. Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to live in a loft.  The lofts downtown have exploded in the past decade and businesses on the other side of the tracks have followed. Second Avenue North is becoming the place to be and 1st Avenue is right behind it, not to mention Morris Avenue. I always keep an eye out and hope to one day buy (or at least rent) down there.

Along with the cityscape are the activities that Birmingham has to offer – they are never-ending. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it until I die – If someone says there is nothing to do in this town, they aren’t looking very hard. If you look at my personal Facebook and Google calendar any day of the week, there is likely an event on there and usually more than one. Our people are active  – whether it’s personally or professionally – and they are putting themselves out there and LEADING the way for others. They are organizing projects, runs, fundraisers, art exhibits, plays, comedy shows, restaurant openings, festivals, kickball and ultimate Frisbee tournaments, pet meet ups, concerts, and everything else in between. Our libraries and civic organizations are bustling with free activities, and there are unique fundraisers for worthy causes and non-profits all the time.

Our city has its share of problems and the government and BOE are infamous at this point. But, Birmingham’s positives still vastly outweigh her negatives and I think people sometimes forget that. I don’t. And I’m not alone…there are many cheerleaders around the city. Look closely and talk – you will be surprised. Being a part of the love and growth movement in Birmingham runs in my blood. I try to share and spread that love when I can. If you ever need a reminder of how beautiful Birmingham is, stop on the 22nd Street Bridge at sunset. Or visit Linn Park at sunrise to watch volunteers feed the houseless. Or go to Five Points South any day of the week and witness the love. It’s there…I promise. And if you can’t find it, email me at sherri at yougotrossed dot com and we’ll go on a field trip. Stay beautiful, Birmingham.

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.