This week has been positively amazing. The energy, creativity, and ambition of the people I’ve been around has left me completely in awe of them and – my favorite word to wear out – INSPIRED.  I realize that I use that word a lot, for a multitude of things, but it’s the perfect word to describe those events, people, organizations, music, that get me so pumped up..about Birmingham (Emily from Magic City Post – who was also a panelist at last night’s SJW event), writing (Javacia from See Jane Write),  fitness (Daniel and Tanya), volunteering (Scott), fashion (Jennifer) and a million other kindred spirits in this city. Let’s recap the week for those of you playing at home:

  • Started volunteering with a theatre that I adore – Theatre Downtown
  • The WOD (workout of the day) from hell at Iron Tribe Fitness. My legs were shredded for 3 days, but I did those 150 squats!
  • Goal Setting Workshop at ITF – can be applied to ANY goal(s) and it was life-changing. I can’t wait to share the notes with you in separate blog post.
  • Lost 1/2 pound. I’ll take it!
  • My first Paint the Town Red meeting (PTTR) – it’s a digital arts festival benefiting the Jefferson Shelby Chapter of the American Red Cross. The art and events in the works for this year’s event are going to blow you away!
  • See Jane Write event – “Blogging and the Future of Community Journalism” One word – AMAZING!
  • Interview of PTTR folks for a Magic City Post article I’m working on
  • Tonight we are going to a loft warming party
  • Tomorrow (Saturday) is my fiance’s birthday! I will let him have “game time” with our new XBox while I rearrange my bedroom to create a very private, very “me” writing nook. It will be full of inspiration, perspiration, and hopefully good words. I’ll be sure to post pics when done. I am uber excited about this change of scenery and the timing works out well because he loves to game. 🙂
  • Tomorrow evening we are going to have dinner with friends to celebrate his birthday and then off for drinks and shuffleboard. (Do you know where we’re going?)
  • Sunday I am going to the Southern Bridal Show with a fellow bride-to-be (Jennifer mentioned above) and then off to a music jam at Das Haus.

This week and weekend couldn’t get any better. I will be sure to fill you in on all the details of the weekend. Be sure to wish @socialmediabham a very “Happy Birthday” tomorrow if you know him. Tip: If you don’t know him already, meet him. He’s amazing. Also, don’t forget the next Birmingham Dance Walk is coming up on Feb 2nd – you can get details and RSVP here. Can’t wait to dance down 2nd Avenue with all you lovely people! And lastly, be sure to tell your friends and family you love them. Today is an especially amazing day…don’t let it go by without telling them you care!

Love yourself.
Find peace inside.
Share happiness.